AJEBR Journal is indexed in AJOL (African Journals Online)

Dear Colleagues,   I am delighted to announce that the CoBE Journal has been indexed in AJOL (African Journals OnLine). This is an exciting development that will significantly enhance the visibility and accessibility of our scholarly publication.   AJOL is a renowned online platform that provides access to a comprehensive collection of peer-reviewed, African-published scholarly journals. By being included in this prestigious directory, the CoBE Journal will gain increased exposure and recognition within the academic community.   I encourage you all to visit the AJOL website and explore the CoBE Journal's content. This indexing will open new opportunities for collaboration, citation, and engagement with a wider audience of researchers and practitioners.   Congratulations to the editorial team and all the contributors who have worked tirelessly to maintain the high quality of the CoBE Journal. This achievement is a testament to your dedication and the valuable work being done within our institution.   https://www.ajol.info/index.php/ajebr   Dr Wogene Markos, Dean of College of Buysinbess and Economics