Effects of leadership styles on the performance and job satisfaction of employees in public sectors in Southern Ethiopia
Leadership style do have a direct impact on the relationship between superior and employees which may have repercussions on the performance and job satisfaction of employees. This study aimed to investigate the effect of leadership styles on employees’ performance and job satisfaction in public sectors in Mizan-Aman City Administration. Structured questionnaire was used to collect data from 100 public servants selected by using a simple random sampling method. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used for data analysis. The survey result shows that autocratic leadership was the predominant leadership style found among the leaders. The results of regression analysis showed that democratic leadership style had a statistically significant positive effect on employees’ job satisfaction and performance. In contrast, laissez-faire leadership style had statistically significant negative effects on the employees’ performance. Laissez-faire and autocratic leadership styles have no statistically significant effects on employees’ job satisfaction. To improve employees’ job satisfaction and performance, it is recommended to further promote a democratic leadership style to maintain and retain employees’ job satisfaction and performance.
Keywords: Leadership style, Democratic leadership; Autocratic Leadership; Employees’ performance, Job satisfaction.
- 2022-06-27 (2)
- 2022-06-27 (1)
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