Observance of Adult Prisoners' Rights in the Gambella Prison Administration


  • Khoat Bidit Both human rights


Keywords: Compliance, Imprisoned Rights, City Prison, Gambella, Ethiopia


Although there has been a considerable amount of literature recently on the subject of improving prisoners’ rights in Ethiopia, research on the subject in the National Regional State of the Gambela Peoples is relatively novel. Apart from Omod Opodhi’s 2019 journal article on addressing the psychosocial effects of crime on prisoners in Abobo City Prison and the Ethiopian Human Rights Commission (EHRC)'s 2021 report, which found that the protection of human rights in the Gambela region requires an urgent attention after gathering an extensive evidence on the extent of the abuses and revealing the sadistic treatment of those imprisoned in the Gambela’s and Abobo’s City prisons, there has not been any previously conducted investigation into the compliance with adult prisoners' rights, or their treatment as such, across the State
of Gambela. This article assesses, therefore, the compliance of the Gambela Prison Administration
(GPA)—which is not found—with pertinent national, regional, and international standards on adult
prisoners' rights. The study was conducted via secondary and primary qualitative case study design, and the analysis employed narrative and content quality analysis techniques, compliance with international commitments and human rights norms and standards addressing adult prisoners' rights, and Articles 19(1) and 22 of the Gambela Constitution, is recommended.




How to Cite

Khoat Bidit Both. (2023). Observance of Adult Prisoners’ Rights in the Gambella Prison Administration. Hawassa University Journal of Law, 7. Retrieved from https://journals.hu.edu.et/hu-journals/index.php/hujl/article/view/954