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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Paper Writing Guidance for EJET (font size of the title is 16 pts)

First author¹, second author², third author³* corresponding author is marked using an asterisk

¹ Affiliation and full address of author(s)

*e-mail address of the corresponding author



In general, authors are encouraged to review and mimic the format and style of previously published manuscripts of the scientific journal Ethiopian Journal of Engineering and Technology (EJET). Further guidance is provided below; it consists of structure, style and format instructions for preparation of manuscripts to be submitted to EJET. It is recommended that the authors would write directly on this template which contains already prepared format. Manuscripts should be written in UK English. The manuscript should be formatted using 10 pts Times New Roman font, single spaced paragraph, with indentation of the first line at 0,75 cm. The length of the manuscript is not strictly limited, but the suggested length is 6-8 pages. Each manuscript should begin with a single-paragraph abstract of max. 2000 characters (with spaces). The abstract should summarise all aspects of the manuscript (problems addressed, objectives, methodologies, important results, and conclusions). The abstract should be formatted using 10 pts Times New Roman font, single spaced paragraph, and only consisted of one paragraph (indentation 1 cm from left and right sides). The paper should be submitted to the editorial office of the journal using OJS system: as a Microsoft Office Word (.docx) file with the numbered lines in starting from each page. Paper should consist of title page (abstract, key words), introduction, materials and methods, results and discussion, conclusions, references, and if available, acknowledgements.

Keywords: provide up to five keywords indicating the research area of the manuscript.





1         Introduction


A short introduction should start the substantive text. The Introduction should provide a clear statement of the problem, the relevant literature on the subject, and the proposed approach or solution. The introduction must clearly state the specific objectives of the work presented. It should be understandable to colleagues from a broad range of scientific disciplines.



2         Materials and methods


This section should describe and reference the techniques applied in the investigation and make clear the protocol of the study. The model and sensitivity of monitoring equipment should be stated in this section. Statistical tests should be described briefly.

Only metric units (SI) should be used in a manuscript. After the first appearance of a term in full, a standard abbreviation may be used. Superscripts, not slashes (/), should be used to describe units, e.g. kg m-3.



2.1         Size of the paper


The size of the paper is 21 × 29.5 cm (A4) with margins of 2.5 cm from left and right and 2 cm from top and bottom. Single column format is used for writing text of the manuscript. The text is written using Times New Roman font (10 pts).

Title of the article is written on the first page with LEFT alignment, bolded font with 16 pts font size, the first letter of each word – Capital. Use the prepared style Title.

After the title, leave a space of 16 pts (style Title). The name of the author(s) (14 pts) (style Subtitle), space (10 pts) (style Normal), and affiliation address of the author(s) (10 pts, Italic) are written with left alignment (style Affiliation). If there are more than one affiliations, the name of authors with different affiliations is written by different number superscript1 and the corresponding author is marked using an asterisk*.

Before the abstract, leave two empty rows of 10 pts respectively (style Normal).

Section title of the article is written using 10 pts bold fonts (style Heading). Texts are written using 10 pts fonts with 0.75 cm first line of the paragraph indent (style Normal). Between the last row of text and the next section title leave two empty rows of 10 pts font size (style Normal). Between section title and the first row of the text leave an empty row of 10 pts fonts (style Normal).


2.2         Citations


Citations in the text should be denoted with the author's surname and the year of publication, e.g.: (Staniškis 2004), (Bleischwitz and Bringezu 2007), (Grigg 1996, Pokrajac and Jones 2000) .

If there are more than two authors – only the surname of the first author and words “et al.” should be in the reference, e.g. (Kuhndt et al. 2008).

If the author is an organization, use its initials, e.g. (EEA 2005).

If the text contains two or more papers written by the same author(s) in the same year, the citations should be differentiated by a letter (e.g.: (Staniškis 2006a).



3         Results and discussion


This section should describe what was found and provide appropriate numerical and statistical support. The discussion should explore the implications of the findings but not be highly speculative.

Table started by table title (9 pts, Italic) above the table (style Table (title)). If the title of the table is more than one row, the second row should be formatted using hanging indent following the above limit. The tables must be numbered continuously throughout the text as shown in example.

Table is set centered alignment, and table limit must not exceed margin of the page. The style for the text inside the table should be Table (normal).


Table 1.     Example of multicolumn table format. If the title of the table is more than one row, the second row should be formatted using hanging indent following the above limit


Full paper is submitted to



The editorial office of the journal - electronically





NA = not available


Experiment or study results can be illustrated in the form of figures (graphics or picture, see example Figure 1). The figures must be numbered continuously throughout the text as shown in example. Title of figure (9 pts, Italic) is set under the figure (style Figure (title)). It should be centre aligned, and the resolution of scanned picture has to be not less than 300 dpi. Text and symbols should be legible in print. The default is to print all graphics in black and white.

Tables and figures should be inserted in the text near to the place they are mentioned the first time. Leave one blank line before and after tables, figures and equations (style Normal).


Fig. 1.        Example of single column figure format. If the title of the figure is more than one row, the second row should be formatted using hanging indent following the above limit


Equations. Equations should be numbered consecutively and referenced in the text (e.g. Eq. 1).




Where:         – explain the meaning of the variable;

                      – explain the meaning of the variable;

                      – explain the meaning of the variable.


The formulas must be numbered continuously throughout the text as shown in example.

Equations should use style Equation, while variables’ meaning explanations should use style Equation (explanation).



4         Conclusions


This section should tie the major findings to the objective(s) stated in the introduction and suggest the practical or theoretical relevance of the manuscript to future research. In general, grammar, punctuation, and syntax for body text should be in accordance with common English practice, such as set forth in the EU English Style Guide (

{Gurauskiene, 2006, Eco-design methodology for electrical and electronic equipment industry}




Please acknowledge anyone who contributed towards the study by making substantial contributions to conception, design, acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data, or who was involved in drafting the manuscript or revising it critically for important intellectual content, but who does not meet the criteria for authorship. Please, also include source(s) of funding, if possible. In addition, please also acknowledge anyone who contributed materials essential for the study.





References are placed on the end part of the article, and written alphabetically (9 pts) (style References). Journal names should be given in full and should not be translated. Titles of papers should be given in their original language and, if possible, they should be followed by a translation into English in parentheses. There should be active link with the reference list and citation in the text. The examples on how to write references are provided below and can be found on previous issues of EJET:


(Book example): Grigg, N.S. (1996) Water Resources Management, pp. 8-11, New York, USA: McGraw-Hill.

(Web site reference example): ADB (Asian Development Bank) (2012) Third workshop on enhancing the regional distribution of CDM projects in Asia and the Pacific, 18-20 July 2012, Manila, Philippines. Available at: (accessed 12 August 2012).

(Web site reference example): EEA (European Environment Agency) (2005) Sustainable Use and Management of Natural Resources. EEA Report No 9/2005. EEA, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities (OPOCE). Available at: (accessed 15 November 2012).

(Scientific journal example): Kuhndt M., Tessema F. and Herrndorf M. (2008) Global value chain governance for resource efficiency building. Sustainable consumption and production bridges across the global sustainability divides. Ethiopian Journal of Engineering and Technology 3(45): 33-41.

(Scientific journal example): Möller B. (2006) Changing wind power landscapes: regional assessment of visual impact on land use and population in Northern Jutland, Denmark. Applied Energy 83(5): 477-494.

(Conference Proceedings example): Wangsaatmaja S., Angela M. (2009) Environmental platform for sustainable development in decentralization era: a case of West Java province. In: Proceedings of the 1st international conference on sustainable infrastructure and built environment in developing countries, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung, Indonesia, 1-4 July 2009, pp 49–54.

(Web site reference example): USEPA (US Environmental Protection Agency) (2007) Method 6010C: Inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry. Available at: (accessed 19 April 2013)

(Web site reference example): Waldron C.D., Harnisch J., Lucon O., at al. (2006) Mobile combustion. Energy 2(3). IPPC guidelines for national greenhouse gas inventories (2006). Available at: (accessed 03 October 2013).



The manuscript should be supplemented with the information about all the authors as follows:


The 1st author’s scientific degree Name SURNAME – affiliation and position at the organization (university), department.

Main research area(s):










The 2nd author’s scientific degree Name SURNAME – affiliation and position at the organization (university), department.

Main research area(s):









The nth author’s scientific degree Name SURNAME – affiliation and position at the organization (university), department.

Main research area(s):










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