Editorial Team
Journal Editor and Manager
Chief Editor: Dr. Fekede Menuta
E-mail: eijhss@hu.edu.et;
Phone- +251916839376
Journal Manager: Dr. Sibilo Gashure
Associate(Section) Editors
Dr. Muluyie Girma- Assistant professor of Sociology; Hawass University
Dr. Mengistu Dinato-Assistant professor of Applied Linguistics and Communication; Hawass University
Dr. Mebratu Mulatu-Associate professor of Teaching English as a Foreign Language; Hawass University
Dr. Samuel Jilo- Associate professor of Anthropology; Hawass University
Dr. Binyam Moreda- Assistant professor of Geography; Hawass University
Dr. Adamu Assefa- Associate professor of Psychology; Hawass University
Dr. Melisew Dejene- Associate professor of Governance; Hawass University
Editorial Advisory Board Members
Data Dea - Professor, California state university;
Daniel Mains- Professor, Oklahoma University of
Barry Hewlett- Professor, Washington State University of
Ronny Meyer- Associate professor of Linguistics, INALCO;
Dagne Shibiru-Associate professor of Sociology at Hawassa University;
Mellese Mada-Associate professor of Anthropology at Hawassa University;
Felekech Gebreigziabher -Assitant Professor of Teaching English as a Foreign Language at Hawassa University;
Mulumebet Worku-Assistant professor of Geography at Hawassa University;