ቀዳሚዉ የሸሪዓ ሕግ ምንጭ - ቁርኣን [Primary Source of Sharia Law - Quran]


  • አልዩ አባተ ይማም


የሕግ ብዝኃነት, የሸሪዓ ሕግ ምንጭ, ቁርአን, ሸሪዓ, ፊቅሕ, ሂደታዊነት, ተለማጭነት, ኢጅቲሓድ


የኢትዮጵያ ሸሪዓ ፍ/ቤቶች ከኃይለ-ሥላሴ ዘመነ-መንግሥት በፊት ጀምሮ በሥራ ላይ የነበሩ ሲሆን፣ ግማሽ ምዕተ-ዓመታትን ተሻግረዉ፣ በኢትዮጵያ ፌዴራዊ ዲሞክራሲያዊ ሪፐብሊክ (ኢፌዲሪ) ሕገ-መንግሥት የተሰጣቸዉን የአቋም ማጠናከሪያ ተንተርሰዉ፣ በፌዴራል እና በክልል መንግሥታት ደረጃ ከመጀመሪያ ደረጃ እስከ ጠቅላይ ፍ/ቤት ተደራጅተዉ በመሥራት ላይ ይገኛሉ፡፡ ይህ እዉነታ፣ ከሕግ እዉቅና ዉጪ ካለዉ የሕግ ብዝኃነት ሌላ ሕጋዊ መሠረት ባለዉ የብዝኃነት መድረክ ላይ ከመደበኛዉ የፍ/ቤት ሥርዓት በተጓዳኝ በመስራት ላይ ያለ ብቸኛ የዳኝነት ሥርዓት ያደርገዋል፡፡ በሸሪዓ ፍ/ቤቶች ማጠናከሪያ አዋጅ ቁጥር 188/1992 አንቀጽ 6(1) መሠረት፣ ሸሪዓ ፍ/ቤቶች በባለጉዳዮች ፈቃድ የሚቀርቡላቸዉን የግልና የቤተሰብ ክርክሮች ለመዳኘት ተፈጻሚ የሚያደርጉት ሕግ ሸሪዓ እንደሆነ ተደንግጓል፡፡ ከሸሪዓ ሕግ ምንጮች መካከል ቀዳሚዉ ደግሞ ቅዱስ-ቁርኣን ነዉ፡፡ የቁርአን ሕግ-ነክ አንቀጾች ብዛት ከእምነት-ነክ አንቀጾቹ አንጻር በጣም ጥቂትና 1/10ኛዉን የቁርአን ክፍል ብቻ የሚይዙ ናቸዉ፡፡ ከእነዚህም መካከል ብዙዎቹ የጥቅልነት ባህሪ ያላቸዉና፣ በዋና ዋና የሕግ ዘርፎች ላይ ጠቅላላ መርሆዎችንና ዓላማዎችን የሚቀርጹ ናቸዉ፡፡ የቁርአን ሕግጋት የጥቅልነት ባህሪ የተላበሱ መሆናቸዉ፣ ሸሪዓ በሕግ ምርምር (ኢጅቲሓድ) አማካይነት ከተለዋዋጭ ማህበረሰባዊ እዉነታዎች አኳያ ተለማጭ (flexible) መሆን እንዲችል፣ እና በጊዜ እና በሥልጣኔ ደረጃ ሳይወሰን ገዢነቱ ቀጣይነት እንዲኖረዉ ያደርገዋል፡፡ በተጨማሪም፣ ቁርአናዊ ሕጎች በአመክንዮኣዊ እሳቤ ሊብራሩ የሚችሉ እና ዓላማ አዘል መሆናቸዉ፣ ተጨባጭ ወቅታዊ እዉነታዎችን ያገናዘቡ አዳዲስ የሕግ ምልከታዎችን ለመጨመር በር የሚከፍት ሲሆን፣ በኢትዮጵያ ሸሪዓ ፍ/ቤቶች ተፈጻሚ እየሆነ ባለዉ የሸሪዓ የቤተሰብና የዉርስ ሕጎች ላይ አስፈላጊዉን የሕግ አተረጓጎምና የአፈጻጸም ማሻሻያዎችንና ለዉጦችን በማድረግ፣ የዘርፉን ንዑስ ዓላማዎችና ጠቅላላ የሸሪዓ ግቦችን (መቃሲድ አሽ-ሸሪዓሕ) ማሳካት የሚቻልበትን መሠረት ይጥላል፡፡

Sharia courts have been functioning in Ethiopia for more than half a century, since before the imperial regime; facing the challenges of time, they still exist and operate at different levels across the country on the basis of what has been reaffirmed under the FDRE Constitution. This has resulted in what is known as legal pluralism making Sharia Courts the only system of dispute resolution operating beside the regular judicial system of the country. It is provided in the Federal Consolidation Proclamation No. 188/1999 Article 6(1) that Sharia courts apply Islamic law to disputes arising from personal and family matters falling under their jurisdiction upon the consent of the parties; and the primary source ofIslamic law is to be found in the Quran which has a legal and moral authority upon the followers of the religion. Out of the many thousand provisions of the Quran, only 1/10th have legal content; and such legal rules are predominantly characterized as general rules outlining broad principles and objectives of the various branches of Sharia law including those that govern personal and family matters. This has enabled Islamic law to be flexible to the changing realities of communities through divergent juristic interpretations and application (Ijtihad). Furthermore, the absence of specific rules in the Quranic legal framework opens a door to introduce new legislative insights based on the general rules and legal objectives of the Quran and taking the prevailing circumstances of a society into consideration. Taking the long-standing application of Sharia law, either at the official level or informally across the Muslim communities of the country, the effort to make Sharia law go in line with the Ethiopian realities and the supreme norms of the FDRE Constitution shall start from the reexamination and correct understanding the legal characteristics of the Quran and its general and themespecific objectives (Maqasid Ash-Sharia). This paper delves into the introduction of the basic legal underpinnings of the Sharia as represented in its primary source – the Holy Quran.



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ይማም አ. . አ. . (2021). ቀዳሚዉ የሸሪዓ ሕግ ምንጭ - ቁርኣን [Primary Source of Sharia Law - Quran]. Hawassa University Journal of Law, 2. Retrieved from https://journals.hu.edu.et/hu-journals/index.php/hujl/article/view/209