Enset Product Market Chain Analysis
The case of Wonchi District, South West Shoa Zone, Oromia National Regional State, Ethiopia
Enset, Market Actors, Market Channel, Marketing Margin, Wonchi District.Abstract
In Ethiopia, enset is one of the indigenous root crops widely cultivated in the south and south western parts. Particularly in Wonchi district it is a major source of food and cash income for majority of smallholder farmers. This study was intended to identify enset product market actors and their roles; to identify enset product market channels; and to analyze enset product marketing margin in Wonchi District. Both primary and secondary data were used for the study. Primary data were collected from randomly selected 184 sample enset producers through two stage sampling technique and from 33 kocho traders. The data were analyzed using by descriptive methods. The result indicated that producers, wholesalers, retailers, village collectors and consumers were the enset product (kocho) market chain actors. The benefit share of producers ranges from 65.01% (channel III and IV) to 100% (channel I). Responsible bodies should pay an attention in optimizing the benefit share and minimizing unbalanced share of benefit among the market actors and rising experience producers through experience sharing on the enset production
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