Critical Reflection in the English Classroom: The Experience of Ethiopian University


  • Gamachis Bali Acadecian


Keywords: Critical Reflection, reflective practice, critical thinking, motivation


In the presented reflective paper, an experiential approach to critical reflection in the classroom was described, with a focus on problem-solving and motivation enhancement in teaching practice. The study addressed the topical and significant issue of motivation in foreign language learning, specifically highlighting the lack of effective techniques in the language classroom. Using a qualitative method, the study conducted a literature review and classroom observations at Bule Hora University. The results demonstrated a notable increase in students' learning motivation. The findings highlighted the benefits of student-centered learning, such as improved learning outcomes, increased self-confidence, and enhanced motivation. The research emphasized the importance for language teachers and researchers to recognize and prioritize their learners' individuality, as student motivation played a crucial role in fulfilling teaching responsibilities effectively.




How to Cite

Bali, G. (2024). Critical Reflection in the English Classroom: The Experience of Ethiopian University. ETHIOINQUIRY Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 3(1). Retrieved from