About the Journal
Journal of Science and Development - JSD - ISSN (online) 2789-2123 (print): 2222-5722, is a double-blind peer-reviewed biannual online journal published by Hawassa University under the Creative Commons open access license (CC BY). JSD is Nationally Accredited by the Ministry of Education for the period of 2021 to 2024. JSD publishes articles on a range of disciplines of agriculture and veterinary sciences including, Agricultural Biotechnology, Agribusiness, Agricultural Economics, Agricultural Engineering, Agricultural Microbiology, Agricultural Extension, Agronomy, Animal Healthcare, Animal Genetics, and Breeding, Animal Nutrition, Conservation Agriculture, Forestry and Agroforestry, Horticulture, Livestock Parasitology, Livestock Production, Plant Genetics, and Breeding, Plant Protection, Post-harvest Biology and Management, Community Nutrition, Sustainable Agriculture, Poultry, Soil Science, Veterinary Anatomy and Physiology, Veterinary Clinical and Preventive Medicines, Veterinary Diagnostics, Veterinary Epidemiology, Veterinary Pathology, Veterinary Toxicology.
Journal of Science and Development publishes research articles, review articles, short communications, book reviews, and registry of new crop varieties. The aim of Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences is to expand knowledge in basic and applied scientific and empirical research output and development, provide access to research publications to a broad national and international readership, including researchers, practitioners, and students in agricultural and veterinary sciences. Articles are peer-reviewed by at least two referees. Reviewers will remain confidential. The Editor may reject, before submission to referees, those manuscripts that do not conform to the ‘Guide to Authors’, or that do not fall within the scope and purpose of the Journal.
Current Issue

Nigussu Begashaw Abate, Tesfaye Abebe
Tsegaab Tesfaye, Elfinesh Shikur Gebremariam
Genetic Diversity of Avocado (Persea americana Mill) From Southern Ethiopia Using SSR Markers Almaz Tadesse, Marie Kalousová, Hewan Demissie Degu
Tesfaye Belay, Sintayehu Yigrem, Desie Sheferaw
Sisay Buta, Andargachew Gedebo, Zerihun Yemataw