Inclusive Early Childhood Education in Ethiopia

Opportunities and Challenges


  • Dr. Tadesse Abera Tedla University of Gondar
  • Dereje Yohannes Hadiya Education Bureau


Ethiopia, Early Childhood Care and Education


The main purpose of this study was to explore an inclusive early childhood education in Ethiopia with respect to O-class.  A case study design was employed to achieve the study's goals. Parents, O-class teachers, school administrators, special needs experts, and early childhood care and education specialists took part in the study purposively and comprehensively selected. Interview, focus group discussion, and observation were used to collect data and were analyzed thematically. Results: The O-class was the new practice in the education system of the country to be taken as opportunity. Lack of teachers with the necessary training, funding, resources and facilities, parent’s awareness and participation, parent-teacher networking, and up to the standard early childhood care and education programs were reported as challenges. Conclusion: The practice of an in inclusive O-class mainly for children with disabilities has to be celebrated that the children were all in all denied the right to education in these schools in recent years back, it is being challenged by several factors though. Recommendations: The government should employ O-class teachers who have received the appropriate training and allot a sufficient budget to meet the needs of children with and without disabilities in these schools.

Author Biographies

Dr. Tadesse Abera Tedla, University of Gondar

Dr. Tadesse Abera Tedla is a lecturer in the department of Special Needs and Inclusive Education, College of Education, University of Gondar, Ethiopia. Currently, he is a postgraduate coordinator of College of Education and an associate editor for the journal of Disability, CBR & Inclusive Development. He has more than 18 publications in national and international journals. He won three international projects from Austrian government and MasterCard foundations. 

Dereje Yohannes , Hadiya Education Bureau

Mr.Dereje Yohannes is a masterd degree holder in special needs ans inclsuive education from University og Gondar. He has also a Bachlero's degree in Special needs and inclusive education. Currently, he is working in education expert in Hadiya EducationnBureau.




How to Cite

Tedla, T., & Feleke, D. Y. (2024). Inclusive Early Childhood Education in Ethiopia: Opportunities and Challenges. Ethiopian Journal of Education Studies , 4(Issue 1). Retrieved from