Misconceptions as a Barrier to Understanding Biological Science Lessons: A Systematic Review of Pertinent Studies


  • Girma Moti Geeltu Hawassa University


biological science, misconception as barriers, learning concepts


The purpose of this systematic review was examining the influences of misconception on learning biological concepts. A misconception can be identified as something that people believe, but that are not actually correct. Some topics in biological science lessons are always giving misconception to students. This review provides information about an overview of the most common topics that students usually get misconception in biological science lessons. Furthermore, it provides information about the major factors contributing student’s misconceptions, ways to correct student’s misconception and previous research on misconception and existing research gap in Ethiopia. 




How to Cite

Geeltu, G. . M. (2024). Misconceptions as a Barrier to Understanding Biological Science Lessons: A Systematic Review of Pertinent Studies. Ethiopian Journal of Education Studies , 3(1). Retrieved from https://journals.hu.edu.et/hu-journals/index.php/ejes/article/view/998