Gossypiboma, Mimicking a Mesenteric Tumour: A Case Report
Chronic granuloma, Intra-abdominal mass, Mesenteric massAbstract
Gossypiboma refers to a retained surgical textile in body tissue and cavity after an operation. It is an
infrequent and potentially preventable post-operative complication due to medical error. The presence of
retained surgical material within the body tissue can incite an aseptic but fibroblastic reaction resulting in
the formation of a chronic granuloma, which may present in the form of a pseudo-tumour several months
to years after the surgical procedure.
We report the case of a 42-year-old woman who presented with a painless intra-abdominal mass one year
after undergoing myomectomy for symptomatic uterine fibroid in a private hospital. A presumptive
diagnosis of the mesenteric tumour was made on the basis of pre- and intra-operative findings. However,
the histopathological diagnosis confirmed a gossypiboma.
This case highlights the need to consider gossypiboma as a differential diagnosis in post-operative
patients presenting with intra-abdominal mass. The highly variable characteristics of this condition both
clinically and radiologically warrant a high index of suspicion, early recognition, and prompt surgical
intervention to reduce the morbidity and mortality associated with it.