The Urban Green Space Development and Management Challenges in Debre Tabor Town, Ethiopia
Challenge, Development, Green Space, Management, Perception, Urban, Debre Tabor TownAbstract
The development and management of green spaces is challenging in Ethiopia, as in many other developing countries, resulting in the reduction and destruction of green spaces. This study identifies the primary challenges and factors influencing the development and management of urban green spaces in Debre Tabor Town. Data were collected through household surveys, key informant interviews, and focus group discussions, using descriptive and inferential statistical analyses. The household survey revealed that connectivity (92.9%) and the need for continuous follow-up and maintenance activities (88.2%) are critical challenges in the management of urban green spaces. Additionally, the study highlights how inadequate government policies, weak institutional capacities, political instability, inefficient land use and the absence of clear norms significantly hinder effective green space development, often leading to illegal activities. The socioeconomic status of respondents was found to play a significant role in shaping their perceptions of urban green space benefits. The predictive model indicated that six independent variables—age (p = 0.000), educational status (p = 0.010), family size (p = 0.044), income (p = 0.027), access to information (p = 0.004), and years of residence (p = 0.000) collectively accounted for 49.9% of the variance in residents’ perceptions of green space benefits. Conversely, household sex, marital status, and occupation were weakly associated with these perceptions. Overall, the findings underscore the urgent need for enhanced public awareness, strategic policymaking, and efficient land use systems to improve the development and management of urban green spaces in Debre Tabor, thereby enriching the community’s quality of life.
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