Biodiversity organization, Threats, and Conservation methods: Review


  • Alemayehu Mamo jimma university


biodiversity; threats; anthropogenic factors; conservation approaches


Biodiversity plays a wonderful functioning in human life and in healthy feature of natural structures even though it is at the manner of depletion dominantly because of anthropogenic activities. This calls for urgent intervention to the conservation of biological resources at different organization levels using in-situ, ex-situ, or circa-situm approach depending on the conservation objectives. As a result, the objective of this paper was to review different literatures related to biodiversity conservation, factors threatening the resources and available conservation approaches for the better management of biological resources. Lately, biodiversity is being misplaced at an alarming charge due to natural and more importantly by anthropogenic elements. The major threats to biodiversity are agricultural expansion, overexploitation, urbanization, industrialization, pollutants, fire incidence, invasive alien species and global climate change, which might be all driven by human population growth. To achieve the purpose of sustainable biodiversity conservation, there's a need to understand what to preserve, in which to preserve, how to preserve and additionally it needs to prioritize species, populations and ecosystems for conservation movements. Moreover, promotion of indigenous resource management practices, involvement of local people in conservation planning and management, involvement of all relevant stakeholders and provision of adequate human, financial and physical resources for conservation efforts are important measures that should be considered to ensure the conservation and sustainable use of biological resources. To ensure the maintenance of biodiversity, there is a need to take urgent actions to protect biodiversity from different threats, by employing complementary in-situ and ex-situ conservation methods. Furthermore, scholars, policymakers, local communities, academic institutions, conservation organizations, practitioners and all other relevant stakeholders should be work closely in conservation and management of biodiversity to improve human wellbeing.


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How to Cite

Mamo, A. (2023). Biodiversity organization, Threats, and Conservation methods: Review. Journal of Forestry and Natural Resources, 2(2), 59-80. Retrieved from