Correlations and path coefficient analysis of Grain yield and Grain yield related traits in Small seeded Common bean genotypes (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) at Goro and Ginnir, Southeast Ethiopia


  • Belay Asmare Oromia Agricultural Research Institute
  • Wassu Mohamed
  • Dagnachew Lule


common bean, Ethiopia, genotypic correlation, phenotypic correlation


Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is one of the crops produced by thousands of farmers in Bale. This study was conducted to assess the association of grain yield and grain yield related traits among small seeded common bean genotypes. Sixty-four common bean genotypes were evaluated in 8 X 8 simple lattice design at Goro and Ginnir in 2021. Results of analysis showed significant(p<0.05) and positive strong correlation at phenotypic and genotypic levels for number of primary branches, number of secondary branches, number of pods per plant, number of seeds per pod and number of seeds per plant with grain yield at both sites. These traits except number of seeds per plant had positive direct effects on Grain yield at genotypic level. The present study showed weak association of plant height and hundred seed weight with all the traits. The presence of non-significant correlations of the two variables indicated that the two traits are independent of each other or that genes concerned are located far apart on the same chromosome or they are located on different chromosomes. Days to flowering had negative and significant(p<0.01) genotypic and phenotypic correlations with grain yield and the trait also exerted negative direct effect on grain yield at genotypic and phenotypic levels at both locations. This suggested that the importance of considering these traits during selection to improve grain yield in subsequent generations. In contrast, the negative direct effects of days to flowering and maturity as well as the negative indirect effects of these traits via other traits on grain yield suggested the need to select genotypes for early flowering and maturity for the study area.


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How to Cite

Asmare, B., Wassu Mohamed, & Dagnachew Lule. (2024). Correlations and path coefficient analysis of Grain yield and Grain yield related traits in Small seeded Common bean genotypes (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) at Goro and Ginnir, Southeast Ethiopia. Journal of Forestry and Natural Resources, 3(2), 17-30. Retrieved from