Ovine Eimeria infection, OPG and determinants in and around Gondar town, Ethiopia


  • Desie Sheferaw Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,Hawassa University, P.O.Box 05, Hawassa, Ethiopia
  • Senait Belay Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,Hawassa University, P.O.Box 05, Hawassa, Ethiopia


The study aimed to estimate the prevalence of ovine Eimeria infection, assess the associated risk factors, and the intensity of infection. A cross-sectional study design was employed and the study was conducted from November 2017 to May 2018. A total of 422 sheep were selected by systematic random sampling technique, and from these animals, fecal samples were collected and examined for Eimeria oocysts. Of the selected and examined sheep 132 (31.3%, 95% CI=26.8-35.7) were found infected by Eimeria species. The prevalence of Eimeria infection was significant (P <0.05) higher in lambs/young than the adult, in females than males, and in poor body condition than in medium body condition sheep. Moreover, the prevalence of Eimeria infection was significantly (P <0.05) higher in sheep with soft feces than in normal feces sheep and semi-intensive than extensive sheep production. The intensity of Eimeria species infection was influenced by the age, sex, body condition, fecal consistency, and production system of sheep (P< 0.05). The overall mean Oocysts per gram of feces was 2390.6 (95% CI=2007.5-2773.8). The mean OPG was significantly higher in lambs, with poor body conditions and female sheep. In addition, it was higher in sheep with soft feces and an extensive production system. In conclusion, Eimeria species infection was an important problem in sheep production in the study area. Generally, this study's results provided useful information to design and implement appropriate control strategies. Finally, it is recommended that further studies identify the species of Eimeria circulating in the areas.




How to Cite

Sheferaw , D., & Belay, S. . (2025). Ovine Eimeria infection, OPG and determinants in and around Gondar town, Ethiopia. East African Journal of Biophysical and Computational Sciences, 3(2), 40-47. Retrieved from https://journals.hu.edu.et/hu-journals/index.php/eajbcs/article/view/504