Fuzzy Programming Approach to Solve Multi-Objective Fully Fuzzy Transportation Problem


  • Admasu Tadesse Department of Mathematics, Hawassa university college of natural and computational sciences, Ethiopia
  • Sirkumar Acharya Department of Mathematics, KIIT University, Bhubaneswar, India
  • Berhanu Belay Department of Mathematics, Debretabor University, Ethiopia


Multi-Objective Programming; Triangular Fuzzy Number; Fuzzy Transportation Problem; Fuzzy Decision Variables; Ranking Function; Fuzzy Programming Method


The aim this study is presenting the solution methodology of multiobjective fuzzy transportation problem with fuzzy decision variables, where all the input parameters and decisions variables of the programming problems are assumed to be triangular fuzzy number
and triangular fuzzy decision variables respectively. Moreover the objectives under consideration are minimization of cost of transportation and minimization of shipping time under fuzzy environment. The fuzziness of the objective functions and the fuzzy constraints of the programming problem are defuzzified using the ranking function and the equality property between two fuzzy numbers, respectively. The consequent crisp multi-objective
fuzzy transportation problem is tackled by employing fuzzy mathematical programming approach. Finally fuzzy decision is made after solving the resultant mathematical programming problem using LINGO(Schrage and LINDO Systems (1997)) software. Illustrative
numerical example is presented in support of the proposed methodology.




How to Cite

Tadesse, A. ., Acharya, S., & Belay, B. . (2025). Fuzzy Programming Approach to Solve Multi-Objective Fully Fuzzy Transportation Problem. East African Journal of Biophysical and Computational Sciences, 4(2), 43-53. Retrieved from https://journals.hu.edu.et/hu-journals/index.php/eajbcs/article/view/826