Phenotypic diversity of mung bean [Vigna radiata (l.) wilczek] genotypes based on qualitative traits


  • Tekle Yoseph Southern Agricultural Research Institute, Jinka Agricultural Research Center
  • Firew Mekbib Haramaya University
  • Berhanu Amsalu
  • Zerihun Tadele


Divergence, Diversity index, Genetic resources, Qualitative traits


Understanding genetic diversity is vital for the conservation and utilization of genetic resources of crops. To date, available information on genetic resource collection, phenotypic characterization, and conservation of mung bean genotypes in Ethiopia is limited. To meet these knowledge gaps, the present study was conducted at Jinka Agricultural Research Center during the 2018 cropping season. The objective of the study was to determine the extent of genetic diversity among mung bean genotypes using qualitative morphological traits. A total of 60 mung bean genotypes were evaluated using a 6 × 10 alpha lattice design replicated twice. Data on 30 qualitative traits were collected and subjected to the Shannon-Weaver diversity index (H') and multivariate analyses. The estimate of H' ranged from (0.00) for germination to (0.96) for seed shape. The first seven principal components explained (94.0%) of the total variation. In general, leaf pubescence, attachment of primary leaves, pod attachment to the peduncle, and seed shape were prominent genetic variations among mung bean genotypes. The most effective traits for distinguishing among mung bean genotypes and could be used as selection criteria for improvement. Cluster analysis based on qualitative traits revealed four distinct groups. The highest inter-cluster distance was found between Cluster I and IV (44.67). This investigation revealed the existence of enormous genetic diversity of mung bean genotypes which should be exploited by comprehensive mung bean variety development programs.



How to Cite

Yoseph, T., Mekbib, F., Amsalu, B., & Tadele, Z. (2024). Phenotypic diversity of mung bean [Vigna radiata (l.) wilczek] genotypes based on qualitative traits. Journal of Science and Development, 11(2). Retrieved from