Correlation and path coefficient analyses of mung bean [Vigna radiata (l.) Wilczek] genotypes


  • Tekle Yoseph Southern Agricultural Research Institute, Jinka Agricultural Research Center
  • Firew Mekbib Haramaya University
  • Berhanu Amsalu Melkassa Agricultural Research Center
  • Zerihun Tadele University of Bern, Switzerland


Direct Effect, Genotypic Association, Indirect Effect, Phenotypic Association, Seed Yield


Understanding the nature and extent of association between seed yield and yield-related traits is important for sustainable genetic improvement. However, there is a lack of sufficient information on seed yield and yield-related trait correlation and path coefficient analysis of mung bean in Ethiopia. Therefore, there is a need to conduct correlation analysis among traits, and path coefficient analysis which splits the correlation variables into direct and indirect effects and which visualizes the relationship in a more meaningful way. To address these knowledge gaps, the present study was conducted to determine the nature and extent of phenotypic and genotypic correlation and path coefficient analysis among 17 quantitative traits. A total of 60 mung bean genotypes were tested using a 6 × 10 alpha lattice design at Jinka Agricultural Research Center during the 2018 cropping season. Seed yield was positively and significantly correlated with most of the traits at phenotypic and genotypic levels, indicating the presence of a strong inherent association between seed yield and other traits. Seed yield in mung bean can be improved through indirect selection for traits like plant height, the number of primary branches per plant, seeds per pod, and pod length. The information obtained from this study can be used for the genetic enhancement of mung bean thereby developing high-yielding varieties.



How to Cite

Yoseph, T., Mekbib, F., Amsalu, B., & Tadele, Z. (2024). Correlation and path coefficient analyses of mung bean [Vigna radiata (l.) Wilczek] genotypes. Journal of Science and Development, 11(2). Retrieved from