Pre-Extension Demonstration and Evaluation of Enset Processing Technologies in Selected Districts of West Shewa and Southwest Shewa Zones, Oromia, Ethiopia


  • Aliyi Abdulah Deressa Oromia Agricultural Research Institute
  • Gelgelo Kibi Derese Bako Agricultural Engineering Research Center
  • Merga Workessa Dula Bako Agricultural Engineering Research Center


'Demonstration', 'Enset processing machines', 'decorticator', 'enset grating'


The pre-extension demonstration of engine driven enset processing machine was conducted in 2021 in West Shewa and South-West Shewa zones of Oromia with the objectives of demonstrating and evaluating engine driven enset processing machines under farmers condition and creating awareness on the availability and importance of the enset processing machines. Toke Kutaye and Dirre Incenni woreda from West Shewa and Waliso from South west Shewa zone were selected purposively based on enset production potential. Fifteen farmers per kebele were selected purposively. One host farmer was selected based on their willingness. Trainings and demonstrations were conducted in 2020 and 2021 in selected districts of Toke Kutaye and Dirre Incini districts of west Shewa and Waliso district of South-west Shewa in order to create awareness and understanding among farmers, Development agents (DAs) and experts on the operation, management and advantage of the enset processing machines.  Accordingly, Training was given for 60 farmers (45 Females), 6 DAs and 11 experts. Data was collected through Focus Group Discussions and observation. The collected data was grouped, summarized, discussed and interpreted. The results revealed that five enset can be decorticated in 1.08 hr. at 790- 880 rpm using engine operated enset decorticator. While traditionally it needs 8 hrs. for 3-4 women to decorticate 5 enset. A corm of 5 medium enset can be grated in 10 min at 2200 rpm using engine operated corm grating machine. While traditionally it needs 8 hrs. to 3-4 women for grating a corm of 5 enset. The traditional practices are inefficient; requiring a lot of labor and time and also it is one of the major problems which facilitate physical damage. Therefore, the technology is highly preferred and thus should be widely available and recommended for further pre-scaling up.




How to Cite

Deressa, A. A., Derese, G. K., & Dula, M. W. (2023). Pre-Extension Demonstration and Evaluation of Enset Processing Technologies in Selected Districts of West Shewa and Southwest Shewa Zones, Oromia, Ethiopia. Journal of Science and Development, 11(1), 61-66. Retrieved from